Wednesday, July 15, 2009

TTC update.

This blog i am saving for just my ivf journey for those that are seeking help with that so for those who want to follow my new journey here is the link. *smooches*

Monday, July 13, 2009


BFN I am feeling really disappointed but not defeated. my mind has already moved to the next course of action and me an my husband are united in our convictions that this lil set back won't keep us from our goal of having children. we will now try to conceive naturally and I'll be changing my ivf journey into a TTC journey that will pick up my new steps and methods we're doing to TTC. Like the song says "It ain't ova until God says it's ova...Keep fighting until your victory is won"...Stay tuned...

Friday, July 10, 2009

I done messed up :((

Well you guys i told myself i would wait until i went in for my beta to test but i got another itch today and bought another test (First Response this time). As you know I'm now 11 dp3dt and i really wanted to see those double lines. But unfortunately that wasn't to be today because my test came back negative... I was a lil upset but i chose to remain positive and keep my faith. It is still early yet and i didn't use my first urine. so from now on i choose to wait until Monday and i won't be poas again...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

2 WW Update 9 dp3dt

Hey you guys...yes I'm still here and loving it..
Today was my off day and i think i might have over done it a bit, because today was also the day i got paid. I had so many places to go things to buy bills to pay... and today in Houston it was another scorcher almost 100 degrees. So I'm hopping from place to place getting hotter and hotter. and more and more worn out. by the time i made it home i was about done and feeling a pain in my low belly so i tried to chill out for a while but there was one more errand i need to do... so i headed out did that and picked up a slice of pizza for lunch. this was a very greasy slice so after consuming it i got a real belly ache and a hint of nausea. So i went ahead and took a nap for a bout an hour... that nap was so good i didn't want to get up and make dinner. Tonight i made roasted chicken with dark meat which tends to hold grease more then white meat. After eating that my tummy ache returned along with that hint of nausea....

Is this a symptom or progesterone?
Also this morning i had some more of those menstrual cycle type cramps that seem to happen randomly not only when I'm doing a certain activity.
that's all i got for today stay tuned for my next update...

P.S i don't know what I'm going to with the HPT thing i may take one on SAT but I'm still debating it....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First HPT... 8dp3dp

Guess what? I took my first home pregnancy test today. And since it was only 8 days past transfer can you guess what the results were? Negative! I know it was way to early to test but i just had a itch i had to scratch you know? I used a wal-mart brand test which is only 99% effective after you already missed your period and my period isn't due until the 9Th so i was way to early. I plan on retesting on Friday the 9th. So stay posted for further updates on that. Today as far as symptoms I've had some cramping in my lower abdomen and while on my way to work i had a really sharp cramp for about 10 sec! i was like what was that! I didn't have any bleeding so i didn't feel the need to call my doc. that's all i have for today. stay tuned.

Monday, July 6, 2009

2 WW Update

Well now I'm 7 dp 3dt i think i did that right. Anyway I'm 7 days post 3 day transfer. Symptoms I have had are some light cramping and lower back pain. Also i have had some cramping sensations on my right side. I feel as if that I'm pregnant! I am claiming it as such. I won't allow myself to believe other wise. I want to take a HPT tomorrow morning and on Wednesday morning and Friday as well before my beta is done on next Monday. I haven't had any breast ache but this morning i did wake up to heartburn sensation, which was weird and went away as soon as i sat up. I also had a small about of nausea but could be due to the progesterone or wishful thinking.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Here are some links to my other social networking pages including my you tube account so you can follow my ivf journey more closely.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Embryo transfer!

Well today was the big day and we went in today to have our Lil embies babies put in their mommy. We had four that made it this far and two were very good and the other two not so good. So I made the decision to transfer the two good ones and then one of the not so good ones for a total of three. During the procedure i was relaxed and calm and not from the Valium i took before. I'm just at peace that if we are blessed either way this turns out because it is God's will and in His hands. So today and tomorrow I'm on bed rest and then on the third day I'll only have light activity then return to work the next day with no strenuous activity or sex for the next two weeks. I have taking a flurry of medication including a suppository of progesterone which i have gotten used to. i'll be updated you guys as i go so stay tuned

Friday, June 26, 2009


Hello, I'm revitalizing my blog. It has been a while since i posted on here but I'm feeling the flow again. If you follow my Vlog on YOUTUBe concerning my ivf journey you would know I've been going through it lately but i think I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will be doing a vlog tonight to further explain mt situation but as of today my clinic has my husband's sperm and my eggs and will hopefully be fertilized and growing over the weekend and I'll be implanted on Monday! Stay tuned for more updates!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Trigger Today

Today i went in for my last monitoring ultrasound and bloodwork. My nurse called me later today to inform me that I will be triggering tonight! So excited. So we will be retrieving Wednesday!!! Yeah!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Doctor's Visit # 3- Day Eight Stimming

Today was a very good day! i feel very blessed and positive about my cycle and the direction my life is heading right now. Today I had my third office visit and everything was very well. I don't get the exact number or size of the follicles but i can tell you i have at least 12 on the right and nine on the left. There at least 6 near mature on the left and nine on the right. My E2 blood work came back really good and i should be triggering on Monday and my estimated retrieval is on Wednesday. I'm really excited and i just want to focus on my prayers and my faith.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Third Office Visit - Day Six Stimming

Today was my was my third visit with the doctor with ultrasound an blood work. Taday i had my follicles measered. the ones that were measurable were between 4mm and 9mm! The nurse informed after i start taking y Menopur tonite they will grow a lot more really fast. So i'm ready to get this party really started! As i said tonite i'll start taking my Menopur along with my bravelle and my Lupron. I was confused fir a bit because i called the nurse about mixing the bravelle and the Menopur together but she said no. But today during the visit my nurse told my that i would be able to. so i'm going to take her word for it since i'll do anything to get out of taking more shots!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Stims day 4

Today was my forth day stimming and my 1st doctor's appointment since starting stims. My doctors appointment went very well. Blood work came back very good, and my uterine lining was perfect. I have a estimate of 12 follicles on each side! That seems very good to me. During my injections today i experienced some burning when i took the Bravelle due to the fact that i injected to far to the side, there was a bit of blood too! it didn't last long though. Today my emotions were well in check and i feel super especially since i finally had a day off from work and was able to relax a bit. So until nest time....

Doctor's Appointment #2

Today was my first observation appointment after starting stims. The nurse who did my ultrasound said my results look perfect so far. From what she can see i have about 12 follicles on each side! So i may have 2 dozen eggs! Way to go! I'm still waiting for the blood results. I'll post again tonite. My meds change today from 4 vials of bravelle to 3 vial.

Day 3 Stimming

Yesterday was my third day stimimming, again the shots were uneventful and almost painless. Side effects... Well I cried twice so maybe I'm a bit moody...And my husband has become public enemy number 1! So yeah i feel a bit on the crazy side.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Stims Day 2

today i took my 4 vials on Bravelle and my 5 cc of lupron.
Still no pain and i have become more at ease with taking my shots
I will be posting my video of me doing my bravelle/lupron by tommrow if not monday!
Monday will be my next doctor's visit and i will definatly be doing another update and video then. chao!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Baseline Ultasound..second time around

Well you guys it has begun! yesterday i had my second blood draw and ultrasound and the results of this one was considerably better then the last one. The ultrasound was promising. The "cyst" that was i the last one had disappeared, the uterine lining was nice and thick, and they had no problem finding my ovaries. So they told me that i would probably be starting my Stims the next day(Friday). So later that day around we got the results from the blood work and everything was within good range and i was ok'ed to start my stims! So today was my first stimming day. I took four vials of Bravelle with 1ml of solution. along with 5cc of lupron reduced from 10cc. The shots were uneventful, painless, and no after effects so far. Wonderful! Let see what tomorrow brings. Grow Eggs GROW!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

She's Here! She's Here!

Bright and early this morning and quite heavy i must say....Aunt Flo has arrived! I have never been so happy to wake up in so much pain!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A bit of a hold up

ohhhh mannnn! since my period didn't start on time (maybe the BCPs were to strong) i am have to set my entire schedule back a whole week!!!! My blood test came back too high also!!! man this sucks!!! I looking for the bright side of this..... i'll let you know when i find it.

Aunt Flo!!!

It's the waiting game again. Today i went in for my Baseline Ultrasound ans E2 bloodwork. I now have to wait for the doctor's office to call me later today to let me know if i would be ok for me to start meds now or will i have to wait a week because m menstral cycle has yet to start. Arg!! I had my schedule just right and now it may be dirupted big time!! On top of that during the ultrsound the tech said she saw something near my left ovary that she did'nt believe was a cyst but the doc has to check it out any way. This sucks. I'm so ready to get this thing over and done with it's not even funny. How much longer!!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Package Recieved

What's happening blog spot spotters!
Guess what?
I recieved a package yesterday with my stim medication!
I'm so excited to have it here and a little worried because the needle is a bit longer then the one used for the lupron.
But i know i can handle it because i have to.
I have to be strong and continue to carry out this process in order to recieve the blessed rewards.
I have been really relaxed and calm this past couple of days.
I'm currently waiting for my period to start, i estimate it to start in about two days. It has to come before my baselin in about eight days.
Then its time to start stimming!!!
I'm so excited!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

First Lupron Injection

My first injection was very uneventful i must say. I was a lil nervous but still excited about the "first" injection. It was quick simple and painless. i have expirenced no side effects so far and hope i have none in the future. On thursday April 24 i went to the RE office for a Endometrial Biospy. It was like a pap spear only a little painful. Just a small amount with some pressure. I am looking foward to my Baseline Ultrasound and Bloodwork May 7th I hope for good results and the go ahead to begin my stims! *fingers crossed*

Friday, April 24, 2009

youtube vlog

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Getting Ready For My First Lupron Shot!!

Tommrow i take my first Lupron shot and i'm supper excited! I'm ready to get this party started!! Let the baby making begin. Here is my YOu tube video on my journy so far.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Intro to tha in-vitro

Well i want to write today about whats going on currently with my IVF cycle and what my goals are and where i'm headed so far. Then i'm going to go into a rant about some F@*% Up stuff going on with my insurance company.

Well first off me and my husband are going to be doing the IVF thang so that we will be able to become parents. This something we have wanted since we married three years ago but to to unforeseen circumstance it wasn't to be. But this is all God's will and i know that the child that we shall have shall be blessed for it feels like we are going thru hell to get it!

We attempted a cycle in January but due to financial difficulties we had to put it on hold for a few months. We were not aware that my insurance wouldn't cover the medication, or rather the stim drug portion. So we had to put that cycle on pause until we came up with the funds.
Now after income tax time and my yearly bonus we have the needed funds for as many drugs we desire ;)

So This month i started my cycle April 3, 2009
I started my BCP April 6,2009
i am scheduled to take my last BCP April 25, 2009
Then I'm scheduled to start my Lupron on April 23, 2009

For my Stims i'm taking Bravelle (FSH), Menopur, and then the Lupron.
I will blog to you guys later with my first shot. I hope all goes well and my prayers are answered.

AND now tha rant:
I am so tired of this insurance company runaround!
I had to stay on the phone for over three hours to get it straighten out between them and my PCP who is responsible for paying for my RE and her services
I have recieving bills for things that were already authorized through the insurance company (Aetna)
For some reason because my pcp is in Kelsy Seybold they forwarded the bill to them WTF!
Then they send the bill to me!
I'm pissed! I call the insurance company, They tell my kelsey's responsible.
I call kelsey they tell me the RE office F@%& up
I call the RE office and they tell me the insurance company and Kelsey Fucked Up!
So i call the insurance company and they sort it out and say it should not have been sent to Kelsey in the first place!!!!
I'm going to solve the bullshit by changing PCP's and save myself a bunch of issues in the long run.

Peace Out!

Monday, April 13, 2009

This is only the begining

hello everyone.
This is my first blog and my first posting here.
i want to share with thsoe who like to read on about my IVF journey.
Me and my husband have been pursuing the IVF route for the past year.
We have had a few false starts due to finacials set backs.
I will go into more details on this in a later blog.
Where we are now in our cycle is i'm taking my Birth Control pills
and next week i'm scheduled to start my Lupron shots and begin my ultrasound monitoring
i will beging posting my journy on Youtube.
So stay tuned!