Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
10 weeks 2 days ..Feeling Fine

Hello Guys .. I know i been MIA for a while but I have been so overwhelmed with this ole thing called life on top of being pregnant I'm happy to say. Even though life has been a bit rocky lately my pregnancy has been very stable. feel very blessed and give all praise and glory to God for bring us her thus far.
I haven't had any morning sickness to speak of. My only annoyance is the gastrointestinal issues i have been having with gas and belly aches. It has caused some discomfort especially at work where i do a lot of sitting. Also i have been battling the fatigue that comes with the territory, but we all have to deal with it so our babies can be provided with a healthy food supply. So i welcome the naps and early nights.
I have noticed my clothes are increasingly tighter and tighter. I don't want to get any new clothes until at least 12-13 weeks.So i have to hold off by using my " fat" day clothes and dresses. On what was my last visit with my RE at 10 weeks 1 days we say out lil peanut dance in the womb, he had to press on my stomach a lil to make him really go at it.. me and my hubby stood mesmerized by the image on the screen .. ,.. in wonder that that was actually going on inside me.. we were humbled and amazed. And we still are and will probably remain so for quite some time..
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Oh ..I forgot
I don't remember posting this but I have 4 lil blast on ice..just waiting to join the family.
Monday, October 24, 2011
19DPO, 14DP5DT *1st Beta *
So today was my first beta..YEAH!!! I was so excited. I waited on pins and needles waiting for the result mentally envisioning a big number. I finally got tired of waiting and called the for my results. The fist nurse i guess looked it up and saw the numbers then she was like.. um did Nurse T. call you? I said one called me. She said OK hod on.. then i was nervous.. I started praying i was worried that they needed a particular nurse to tell me the bad news.. I was like Oh Lawd please !!! The Nurse T. got on the line all happy and giddy like.. OK .. this might be a good sign. She said well you are positive and the Dr.wants yo to come in later this week for a ultrasound. Now when i did my blood draw the doc told me if my number was over 1500 then we may have more then one and he would do a ultrasound this week. if less the 1500 then we will keep doing blood draw til HCG was over 1500 then we will do ultrasound. So when i heard her say that I would do a ultrasound this week I knew I had a high number, at least 1500. I asked her if she had the number she said yes it's 2062!!!!! OMG did you say 2062!!! Now its time to play that game "how many babies" no more "Babies maybe"!!!!
**Spoiler Alert
Yes we have a spoiler alert!!!
I have a bit of a rant that I must get off my chest for my piece of mind. My mother in law has been quite the bad apple of this bunch. After we first took the 1st pregnancy test on last Monday, me and my husband were so excited we both texted out parents.he texted his mom around 7 a picture of the test and a message for her to call him when she got it. When she received it she called him back with a lecture on how inappropriate he was to tell her such news via text and how the proper thing to do was to come and actually visit her and tell her. After she ranted and raved she finally in a off hand fashion told him congratulations. I wish this was the last of the atrocious behavior but that was just the tip of the iceberg.
A day or two later my hubby decided to post on his face book the pic of the first test. 98% of my husband face book is his family and only 3-4 close friends. His family is so close he immediately got responds and congrats from a bout all of them. The next day or the next morning she woke my baby out of his sleep to holler at him again to lecture and rant and rave saying how "Tacky" he was to post that on face book and how we burst her bubble and took away her "right" to announce the first pregnancy to the family. Then she grilled him on the when s and whys and hows of the pregnancy ( she doesn't know about infertility issues or IVF)
Then the shit gets deep..I get a text from her telling me how we need to talk..I said cool because I had some choice words i wanted to say ..Once I had her on the line later that evening I had no time to say those choice words because she came at me with that same spill about how me and the hubby are out to get her and take away her right blah blah blah.. I have no idea where she gets this mess from on how she has any rights in out situation.If she had started out on the good foot and communicated initially with my hubby then we could have talked about all of this together, but instead she has been a poison to the entire experience. But I will not allow her to destroy my joy. I will pray for her to get her stuff together and straighten out because we both want her in the child(children) lives and to be apart of our family. All I can do is pray for her .Pray for Peace. I refuse to allow this to stress me and bring me low. I will soak up all the joy and love that we receive from everyone else and put her on the back burner for now. Amen
I have a bit of a rant that I must get off my chest for my piece of mind. My mother in law has been quite the bad apple of this bunch. After we first took the 1st pregnancy test on last Monday, me and my husband were so excited we both texted out parents.he texted his mom around 7 a picture of the test and a message for her to call him when she got it. When she received it she called him back with a lecture on how inappropriate he was to tell her such news via text and how the proper thing to do was to come and actually visit her and tell her. After she ranted and raved she finally in a off hand fashion told him congratulations. I wish this was the last of the atrocious behavior but that was just the tip of the iceberg.
A day or two later my hubby decided to post on his face book the pic of the first test. 98% of my husband face book is his family and only 3-4 close friends. His family is so close he immediately got responds and congrats from a bout all of them. The next day or the next morning she woke my baby out of his sleep to holler at him again to lecture and rant and rave saying how "Tacky" he was to post that on face book and how we burst her bubble and took away her "right" to announce the first pregnancy to the family. Then she grilled him on the when s and whys and hows of the pregnancy ( she doesn't know about infertility issues or IVF)
Then the shit gets deep..I get a text from her telling me how we need to talk..I said cool because I had some choice words i wanted to say ..Once I had her on the line later that evening I had no time to say those choice words because she came at me with that same spill about how me and the hubby are out to get her and take away her right blah blah blah.. I have no idea where she gets this mess from on how she has any rights in out situation.If she had started out on the good foot and communicated initially with my hubby then we could have talked about all of this together, but instead she has been a poison to the entire experience. But I will not allow her to destroy my joy. I will pray for her to get her stuff together and straighten out because we both want her in the child(children) lives and to be apart of our family. All I can do is pray for her .Pray for Peace. I refuse to allow this to stress me and bring me low. I will soak up all the joy and love that we receive from everyone else and put her on the back burner for now. Amen
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
9DP5DT or 4 Weeks Pregnant
Feels so weird to write that. I'm pregnant..I'M PREGNANT!!
I just want to scream it from the roof tops, but have vowed to keep a lid on things until my beta. Why am i the only person to have their beta two weeks from transfer? Everyone seems to at least get tested by the day of expected cycle. For me that would have been yesterday. But I have to sit on it for 4 more days. It will be hard but we can do it. At least I know i can.My husband is so happy and proud he can't keep it to himself. Before, while we were TTC he swore he would never post his business on Face book about our pregnancy, whenever it would happen. Now i think I may have to suspend his FB privileges until Monday. Already he inadvertently left comment on his status that lead to multiple family members to basically guess whats up. He finally deleted the status when MY SISTER commented on it. I only have told my mom and now he let the cat out of the bag to my family for me. Shesh ..Men!! LOL
So far I'm feeling fine.. symptoms? Bloated, tender boobs, larger boobs, cramps, occasional heavy or pulling or pinching sensations in the uterus/Vaginal area, heavy heartbeats, sometimes hard to find breathe, easily winded/out of breathe, fatigue, frequent urination.
I just want to scream it from the roof tops, but have vowed to keep a lid on things until my beta. Why am i the only person to have their beta two weeks from transfer? Everyone seems to at least get tested by the day of expected cycle. For me that would have been yesterday. But I have to sit on it for 4 more days. It will be hard but we can do it. At least I know i can.My husband is so happy and proud he can't keep it to himself. Before, while we were TTC he swore he would never post his business on Face book about our pregnancy, whenever it would happen. Now i think I may have to suspend his FB privileges until Monday. Already he inadvertently left comment on his status that lead to multiple family members to basically guess whats up. He finally deleted the status when MY SISTER commented on it. I only have told my mom and now he let the cat out of the bag to my family for me. Shesh ..Men!! LOL
So far I'm feeling fine.. symptoms? Bloated, tender boobs, larger boobs, cramps, occasional heavy or pulling or pinching sensations in the uterus/Vaginal area, heavy heartbeats, sometimes hard to find breathe, easily winded/out of breathe, fatigue, frequent urination.
Monday, October 17, 2011
7DP5DT...Oh Taste and See That the Lord is Good !!

I have always wonder if i will ever be so blessed as to see this sight!!!
But this morning @ 4:00am .. i lay in bed debating if I should go through with it this morning and POAS. I spent the better part of my evening searching google for people who tested on 7DP5DT and received a BFN and later received a BFP. Thinking that if i tested and it was a negative then I will still be in the running..
...After much debate I finally got up and did the test .. FMU
......After not much of a wait with the First Responds test I received a positive line almost immediately. At first i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.. *wipe sleep crust off eyes8 Look again and the line is there.. even darker..
I go and wake hubby.. and tell him I took the test .. I told him to look,, he staggers over to the bathroom says " I don't' see anything" * rubs sleep crust form eyes* wait.. i see a faint line here. I tell him that means we are preggers!!! He is so happy.. but he wants a more definite answer ..and since we can go back to sleep now, he leave to hit up wal-mart for a digital test. he comes back and i do that one too..Also ..plain as day ..WE ARE Pregnant!!! My God My God MY GOD!! Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Tale of the Human Pin Cushion
My bum is so sore.. I don't know how long I will have to continue taking the PIO shots. God knows I'm more than willing to continue for the next 9 months, but Its starting to get a bit tender back here. Some people use ice or heating pads but I don't have a issue with doing the shot itself, its the soreness afterward that is getting to be a bit of a trial since my job is majority sitting on the abused area. I will defiantly have to invest in a nice pillow for my seat to make said area more comfortable XOXO..TTYL
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
1 day post transfer
It's been one day since my 5 day transfer. I posted my two little embies yesterday. I didn't get a grade of the embies so if you can tell good quality by looking someone let me know. To tell a little bit about my transfer story ...
We arrive at 12:00pm appt was at 12:30pm.. we showed up me, hubby ans a 33 oz of water. I have to pee ( tmi ) about once while we we waiting and then after we were taken back to the procedure room the nurse allowed me to go twice since the RE was running late. He finally arrived about 1:05pm and we got things rolling.. They were all ready to get it started ..I guess they had to finish me before they could go to lunch.
But ... he came in and then embryologist came to the lil window in the room and they gave me and the hubby a pic of our babies and showed us them floating in the petri dish.. Ooh i was i luv already. The RE put my babies back home in the uterus soon to be womb where hopefully and prayfully will stay for the next 9 months. At what point does a Uterus become a womb? TTYL XOXO
We arrive at 12:00pm appt was at 12:30pm.. we showed up me, hubby ans a 33 oz of water. I have to pee ( tmi ) about once while we we waiting and then after we were taken back to the procedure room the nurse allowed me to go twice since the RE was running late. He finally arrived about 1:05pm and we got things rolling.. They were all ready to get it started ..I guess they had to finish me before they could go to lunch.
But ... he came in and then embryologist came to the lil window in the room and they gave me and the hubby a pic of our babies and showed us them floating in the petri dish.. Ooh i was i luv already. The RE put my babies back home in the uterus soon to be womb where hopefully and prayfully will stay for the next 9 months. At what point does a Uterus become a womb? TTYL XOXO
Monday, October 10, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
1 day post ER
Its been a busy couple of days
First things first my egg retrieval.
I went in at 6:30 they set me up with an IV and took me to the procedure room. The IV was suppose give some drug that would put me in a semi-conscious state, but it knocked me all the way out. I think i regained consciousness for about a minute but i hardly remember any of it. I woke up back i the original Lil waiting room i was in dazed and confused. for a few minutes, my nurse told me that they retrieved a Wopping 33 EGGS..i was like WOW!!.. she said I was a regular chicken dropping all of those eggs.
I was in some discomfort when i got home i had my hubby give me a RX pain reliever and laid down for a few hours. But after a while I was feeling up to a walk so we went grocery shopping and I felt fine if not a Lil constipated. Is it OK for me to take laxatives at this point? Today at 1 day post I feel 70% better. I just have a bit of soreness in the pelvic region especially when i have a full bladder. Other then that I'm great but still a bit bloated Which is to be expected with 33 follicles being retrieved and still swollen.
My report today was:
34 retrieved
21 Mature
21 Inseminated (ICSI)
12 Fertilized
So the plan is to do a 5 day transfer on Monday at 12:30.
See ya then TTYL!!! XOXO
First things first my egg retrieval.
I went in at 6:30 they set me up with an IV and took me to the procedure room. The IV was suppose give some drug that would put me in a semi-conscious state, but it knocked me all the way out. I think i regained consciousness for about a minute but i hardly remember any of it. I woke up back i the original Lil waiting room i was in dazed and confused. for a few minutes, my nurse told me that they retrieved a Wopping 33 EGGS..i was like WOW!!.. she said I was a regular chicken dropping all of those eggs.
I was in some discomfort when i got home i had my hubby give me a RX pain reliever and laid down for a few hours. But after a while I was feeling up to a walk so we went grocery shopping and I felt fine if not a Lil constipated. Is it OK for me to take laxatives at this point? Today at 1 day post I feel 70% better. I just have a bit of soreness in the pelvic region especially when i have a full bladder. Other then that I'm great but still a bit bloated Which is to be expected with 33 follicles being retrieved and still swollen.
My report today was:
34 retrieved
21 Mature
21 Inseminated (ICSI)
12 Fertilized
So the plan is to do a 5 day transfer on Monday at 12:30.
See ya then TTYL!!! XOXO
Monday, October 3, 2011
Let's Get ready for RETRIVAL!
So today was my last scan and I'm done with stims...Great!
I Had a bunch of fat happy follicles ranging between 15-22 mm
Measured Left:21.31, 20.29, 19.24, 18.66, 18.28, 18.13, 17.76, 17.11, 16.88, 16.07Measured Right: 21.83, 21.76, 21.2, 19.98, 19.46, 19.32, 19.32, 19.18, 18.1, 17.18
Endo Thickness-10.84
I'm a lil worried with that E@ being like super high. I really don't want another OHSS episode. Tonight i triggered with a prefilled syringe of Lupron, as opposed to Ovigril to trigger. Possibly to head off the OHSS which is trigger with the intro of HCG to the system. WHEN i become pregnant and produce HCG on my own the OHSS could still pop up, but if that occurs we will deal with it as it comes.
I was given some new scripts for my pre- and post - ER ..including
Prometrium- taken vag
Estradiol - taken Vag
Prednisone - Taken orally
Doxycycline Taken Orally
Progesterone in oil-Taken in the =)
My little joke now.. a big pain in the rear end later.
I Trigger tonight
Have blood work in the morning to make sure all went well and then i have my ER done Wednesday morning.. Talk to ya'll then .. TTYL XOXO
I Had a bunch of fat happy follicles ranging between 15-22 mm
Measured Left:21.31, 20.29, 19.24, 18.66, 18.28, 18.13, 17.76, 17.11, 16.88, 16.07Measured Right: 21.83, 21.76, 21.2, 19.98, 19.46, 19.32, 19.32, 19.18, 18.1, 17.18
Endo Thickness-10.84
I'm a lil worried with that E@ being like super high. I really don't want another OHSS episode. Tonight i triggered with a prefilled syringe of Lupron, as opposed to Ovigril to trigger. Possibly to head off the OHSS which is trigger with the intro of HCG to the system. WHEN i become pregnant and produce HCG on my own the OHSS could still pop up, but if that occurs we will deal with it as it comes.
I was given some new scripts for my pre- and post - ER ..including
Prometrium- taken vag
Estradiol - taken Vag
Prednisone - Taken orally
Doxycycline Taken Orally
Progesterone in oil-Taken in the =)
My little joke now.. a big pain in the rear end later.
I Trigger tonight
Have blood work in the morning to make sure all went well and then i have my ER done Wednesday morning.. Talk to ya'll then .. TTYL XOXO
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Day 5 Stimming
Today was a productive day .
I had my appointment this morning and was surprised and pleased at my results. I think at times my ovaries can be Lil over-achievers. Here are my Stats:
Endo Thickness-8.55
LH 15.1
On my left and right side the doctor measured 10 of the follicles on the right and 10 on the left.
The follicles measured between 7 -10 mm on the left
and 6 -9 on the right.
My Gonal -f was decreased to 150 iu vs the 250 iu
I now take the Ovidrel micro-dose every other day instead of everyday.
I also started my Cetrotide which hurt a lot. I hope i get the hang of it because the needle isn't like a regular needle its hard for me to see the air bubbles. Maybe tomorrow i will draw the meds using one of my Ovidrel needles. My next appointment is Friday Morning..Check in with you then..TTYL..XOXO
Monday, September 26, 2011
Day 3 of Stimming !!
So far I have been stimming for 3 days now. I started with a E2 of 41 and my next check up will be Wednesday. So far I have had a few side effects of headaches and a few instances of lightheadedness. I will begin measuring my waist tomorrow morning to see if it start increasing as a measurement of growth and also so i can keep a eye on things, watching out for OHSS. I experienced a few cramps and gassy feelings in the region of my ovaries but nothing major YET.. Until the Wednesday ..TTYL XOXO..
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Stressed out and Ranting!!
Business First..
Today I went to a doctor's visit for my injection training and to pick up my medication from the Compassionate Care Program.
My Meds Include::
3 pens of Gonal F 900iu
1 Pen of Gonal F 300 iu
5 Vials of Cetrotide
1 Ovidrel
I will Tentatively begin Stims on the 24th
225 of Gonal -F once a day
along with Micro Ovidrel which i will pick up Friday.
Now on to the rant.. I love my RE. He is the best I have had so far and I really like him and the way that he treats me and my husband. But his nurses are driving me crazy. Every time I get use to a nurse who knows me and my husband's situation, they leave, get fired ..I don't know. All I know is that they are gone and I'm left with a new nurse that feels she knows more about what I'm going thought then i do, and they don't know shit.
I went in there today and sat down to get my meds and get up outta there and get back to work. Apparently the lil new nurse had the same idea because her mouth was running a mile a minute. she was rushing so fast thru the demostation of the pens, she was knocking over things on the desk and stuttering over her words.
When they can in the room she gave me my IVF folder with my paperwork and things, she leads off with the statement that she was told to inform me that my DH will have to provide another sperm sample to freeze. They already froze his last sample without asking us. So i guess they feel know they will just "Tell" us we have to freeze a second one. First thing out of my mouth is "why" The nurse is clueless and she says its normal for IVF to have two frozen samples. Then I had to go in to the explanation as to my husbands condition and how he can not provide a sample at the drop of a hat.He needs 10 days if not more of taking his medication to provide a good sample and we have just that amount of time before the IVF. She gives me some blank stare and i know she must not be the one nurse in the office who had the brain that day.
Things like this really discourage and stress me out about the IVF thing. I keep having flashbacks from what happened before and I can't help but have anxiety. Next Visit will be on Friday and we will see if they have their shit together. XOXO
Monday, September 12, 2011
Tenative Scheduale
It has been a tough week filled with uncertainty and anxiety. DH had the analysis done and we were waiting for the results. We have been in talks with the RE about freezing the sample for back up for the IVF. But on the day of the analysis me and the DH decided to see what will happen and if it was hard for them to find any sperm then we will come in the next week to do the freezer pop. But for some reason the RE decide to freeze this sample any way with out even notifying or consulting us. I'm a lil pissed at that.
The next this was that the Coordinator has been out of the office for about a week and a half and I'm getting antsy because i didn't want my cycle to mess up due to the fact that because she wasn't able to schedule me in on time. I have to make a pest of my self with the nurses to make sure when she does her daily call for updates that they notify her of my situation. it wasn't until Thursday the 8th that i was able to get across the time sensitivity of the matter and they finally called her and got me a schedule.
09/19: Last BCP
09/23 Baseline Ultrasound and labs.
09/24: Start Injections
10/05: egg retrieval
So far that's all i got. I was really tripping for a moment due to the lack of lupron. but i guess not every office uses lupron with their protocol, and not every person needs it.
I just hope that I don't have to suffer the pain of OHSS and BFN again
The next this was that the Coordinator has been out of the office for about a week and a half and I'm getting antsy because i didn't want my cycle to mess up due to the fact that because she wasn't able to schedule me in on time. I have to make a pest of my self with the nurses to make sure when she does her daily call for updates that they notify her of my situation. it wasn't until Thursday the 8th that i was able to get across the time sensitivity of the matter and they finally called her and got me a schedule.
09/19: Last BCP
09/23 Baseline Ultrasound and labs.
09/24: Start Injections
10/05: egg retrieval
So far that's all i got. I was really tripping for a moment due to the lack of lupron. but i guess not every office uses lupron with their protocol, and not every person needs it.
I just hope that I don't have to suffer the pain of OHSS and BFN again
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Oh well ...Still Playing the Waiting Game
OK. So we are still playing the waiting game. DH had his count done and we froze a portion for the IVF as back up since on our first IVF was ruined due to them not being able to find any sperm. I'm waiting to hear from the Coordinator for my care plan and for her to order my meds via the Compassionate care program. She is for some reason off on vacation and wont be back until the 12th.. When i called today they told me that while she is gone she still calls in to check on things so i may receive a call this week, though i won't hold my breathe. So until we get that be continued....
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Aunt Flo again..
I finished my first pack of BC pills and have to begin another pack in 2 days on my day three again. Since i ask RE specifically for my retrieval to be in OCT my protocol hasn't been set yet so once again I'm on the BCP. Which is no big deal. I don't have any side effect or adverse effects from the pills so I'm good. The DH was given a regiment to try and see if it will help with his providing the best quality of good sperm for insemination. That will be next Tuesday and we will have an analysis and possible freeze of the IVF.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Appointment #1
Waiting, waiting waiting.....
I hate waiting..
I hat a 9:30 appointment for a consult, But i didn't get in to see the doctor until 10:45....AAHHHHHH!
I hate that..But anyway, I had to vent a lil.
During the consult we went over a lil bit of the steps involved with the IVF process. I was prescribed low does Birth Control. I have a referral for my hubby to see another urology to make the sperm retrieval optimum and also he gave us a pair of genetic test kits for us to send in our saliva to another company.. weird.. I feel like I'm doing a DNA test and we are going to see who the daddy is. I had my 4 day blood work done and that was about it. He has my form for the Compassionate care program so i guess once my blood work gets back we will know where i stand and we will order my Stim Meds!
I hate waiting..
I hat a 9:30 appointment for a consult, But i didn't get in to see the doctor until 10:45....AAHHHHHH!
I hate that..But anyway, I had to vent a lil.
During the consult we went over a lil bit of the steps involved with the IVF process. I was prescribed low does Birth Control. I have a referral for my hubby to see another urology to make the sperm retrieval optimum and also he gave us a pair of genetic test kits for us to send in our saliva to another company.. weird.. I feel like I'm doing a DNA test and we are going to see who the daddy is. I had my 4 day blood work done and that was about it. He has my form for the Compassionate care program so i guess once my blood work gets back we will know where i stand and we will order my Stim Meds!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Appointment Set
I have my appointment set for Wednesday for my 3 day (actually 4 day) Blood work, Ultrasound, and Consult. I will keep you guys posted on the findings.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Free IVF MEDS!!!
Thank God!!!
We were approved for free stim meds thru the Compassionate care program!! We are so excited and thankful!! So the next step will be to have my three day blood work done which looks like will be in 2 days since AF started today!
We were approved for free stim meds thru the Compassionate care program!! We are so excited and thankful!! So the next step will be to have my three day blood work done which looks like will be in 2 days since AF started today!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Back at it again
After our last disappointing IUI cycle my DH and I are considering our next move to be IVF. We are looking at our finances and making some changes to see if that will be a procedure we can accomplish later on this year. My DH feel his biological clock is ticking and he doesn’t want to be 30 with a baby to call his own. I am going to do some major cut-backs and budgeting and prayer to make this reality. To try a raise almost 10 grand in 7 months…that will be a serious blessing. But we have a goal. A silver lining at the end of a long and painful road. We can do it!
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