I have always wonder if i will ever be so blessed as to see this sight!!!
But this morning @ 4:00am .. i lay in bed debating if I should go through with it this morning and POAS. I spent the better part of my evening searching google for people who tested on 7DP5DT and received a BFN and later received a BFP. Thinking that if i tested and it was a negative then I will still be in the running..
...After much debate I finally got up and did the test .. FMU
......After not much of a wait with the First Responds test I received a positive line almost immediately. At first i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.. *wipe sleep crust off eyes8 Look again and the line is there.. even darker..
I go and wake hubby.. and tell him I took the test .. I told him to look,, he staggers over to the bathroom says " I don't' see anything" * rubs sleep crust form eyes* wait.. i see a faint line here. I tell him that means we are preggers!!! He is so happy.. but he wants a more definite answer ..and since we can go back to sleep now, he leave to hit up wal-mart for a digital test. he comes back and i do that one too..Also ..plain as day ..WE ARE Pregnant!!! My God My God MY GOD!! Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!
YAAAAAAAY im sooo excited for you Praise God please keep me updated !!! im still in my 2ww on wednesday I will be 6dp3dt