Wednesday, July 15, 2009

TTC update.

This blog i am saving for just my ivf journey for those that are seeking help with that so for those who want to follow my new journey here is the link. *smooches*

Monday, July 13, 2009


BFN I am feeling really disappointed but not defeated. my mind has already moved to the next course of action and me an my husband are united in our convictions that this lil set back won't keep us from our goal of having children. we will now try to conceive naturally and I'll be changing my ivf journey into a TTC journey that will pick up my new steps and methods we're doing to TTC. Like the song says "It ain't ova until God says it's ova...Keep fighting until your victory is won"...Stay tuned...

Friday, July 10, 2009

I done messed up :((

Well you guys i told myself i would wait until i went in for my beta to test but i got another itch today and bought another test (First Response this time). As you know I'm now 11 dp3dt and i really wanted to see those double lines. But unfortunately that wasn't to be today because my test came back negative... I was a lil upset but i chose to remain positive and keep my faith. It is still early yet and i didn't use my first urine. so from now on i choose to wait until Monday and i won't be poas again...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

2 WW Update 9 dp3dt

Hey you guys...yes I'm still here and loving it..
Today was my off day and i think i might have over done it a bit, because today was also the day i got paid. I had so many places to go things to buy bills to pay... and today in Houston it was another scorcher almost 100 degrees. So I'm hopping from place to place getting hotter and hotter. and more and more worn out. by the time i made it home i was about done and feeling a pain in my low belly so i tried to chill out for a while but there was one more errand i need to do... so i headed out did that and picked up a slice of pizza for lunch. this was a very greasy slice so after consuming it i got a real belly ache and a hint of nausea. So i went ahead and took a nap for a bout an hour... that nap was so good i didn't want to get up and make dinner. Tonight i made roasted chicken with dark meat which tends to hold grease more then white meat. After eating that my tummy ache returned along with that hint of nausea....

Is this a symptom or progesterone?
Also this morning i had some more of those menstrual cycle type cramps that seem to happen randomly not only when I'm doing a certain activity.
that's all i got for today stay tuned for my next update...

P.S i don't know what I'm going to with the HPT thing i may take one on SAT but I'm still debating it....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First HPT... 8dp3dp

Guess what? I took my first home pregnancy test today. And since it was only 8 days past transfer can you guess what the results were? Negative! I know it was way to early to test but i just had a itch i had to scratch you know? I used a wal-mart brand test which is only 99% effective after you already missed your period and my period isn't due until the 9Th so i was way to early. I plan on retesting on Friday the 9th. So stay posted for further updates on that. Today as far as symptoms I've had some cramping in my lower abdomen and while on my way to work i had a really sharp cramp for about 10 sec! i was like what was that! I didn't have any bleeding so i didn't feel the need to call my doc. that's all i have for today. stay tuned.

Monday, July 6, 2009

2 WW Update

Well now I'm 7 dp 3dt i think i did that right. Anyway I'm 7 days post 3 day transfer. Symptoms I have had are some light cramping and lower back pain. Also i have had some cramping sensations on my right side. I feel as if that I'm pregnant! I am claiming it as such. I won't allow myself to believe other wise. I want to take a HPT tomorrow morning and on Wednesday morning and Friday as well before my beta is done on next Monday. I haven't had any breast ache but this morning i did wake up to heartburn sensation, which was weird and went away as soon as i sat up. I also had a small about of nausea but could be due to the progesterone or wishful thinking.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Here are some links to my other social networking pages including my you tube account so you can follow my ivf journey more closely.